4 Hari 3 Malam

Rp. 4.638.000

Masjid Sultan Omar Ali Saifuddin adalah salah satu masjid paling mengagumkan di Asia Pasifik. Tak heran jika masjid itu menjadi landmark dan daya tarik wisata utama yang ditawarkan Brunei. Masjid yang mendominasi pemandangan Kota Bandar Seri Begawan itu melambangkan kemegahan dan kejayaan Islam yang menjadi agama mayoritas dan agama resmi negara itu.
Ciri khas yang paling menonjol dari bangunan masjid yang berupa unit tunggal itu adalah menara marmer dan bagian kubah berlapis emas murni. Hampir semua bahan bangunan masjid ini didatangkan dari luar negeri, seperti marmer dari Italia, granit dari Shanghai, lampu kristal dari Inggris, serta karpet dari Arab Saudi

Istana nurul iman merupakan istana milik Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah Mu’izzaddin. Di setiap sudut dari istana ini memberikan sentuhan emas yang membuat kesan yang mewah. Keindahan Interior bangunan yang membuat orang takjub. Istana megah dan fasilitas yang berkelas ini juga memiliki gaya arsitektur Islam-Melayu-klasik.

One Billionth Barrel Monument adalah sebuah monumen yang dibangun pada tahun 1991 untuk memperingati jumlah satu miliar tong minyak yang telah diproduksi di ladang minyak lepas pantai di Seria, Brunei Darussalam. Monumen ini terletak di dekat sumur pertama yang ditemukan di Seria Oil Field. Monumen ini merupakan tonggak simbolis besar bagi kesultanan Brunei. Perlu anda ketahui, Brunei memproduksi 180.000 barel minyak setiap 24 jam, sehingga negara ini menjadi produsen minyak terbesar ketiga di Asia Tenggara. Brunei juga merupakan produsen terbesar keempat untuk gas alam cair di seluruh dunia.Tempat ini merupakan salah satu tempat favorit bagi masyarakat Brunei untuk melepas penat setelah bekerja ataupun saat liburan. Lebih bagus jika anda datang ke monumen ini saat sore hari, karena anda juga bisa melihat keindahan Laut Cina Selatan dan menikmati sunset bersama keluarga atau siapapun.

Hari ke -1

Tiba di airport, Diantar ke hotel untuk check in. Setelah makan malam di lokal restaurant Anda akan mengikuti Brunei Night Tour mengunjungi atau melewati : Photostop di James Asr Hassanil Bolkiah, Masjid Omar Ali Saiffuddien dan pasar malam. Kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Hari ke - 2

Sarapan pagi di hotel. Bersiap city tour Brunei. Melewati TheLapau, DewanMajlis. Mengunjungi The Brunei Museum, Royal Regalia Centre. Setelah makan siang, dilanjutkan mengunjungi Water Village yang disebut sebagai "Venicenya Asia", Menyusuri sungai Brunei dengan menggunakan "water taxi" sambil mengunjungi salah satu rumah penduduk lokal sambil menikmati kue dan teh.Dan mengunjungi Galeri Islamic Sultan di Dawan Mufti & Istana Nurul Iman (Istana Sultan). Makan malam di local restaurant dan kembali ke hotel.

Hari ke - 3

Setelah makan pagi, bersiap mengikuti tour Seria Oilfield yang berjarak 80km Dari Brunei Darussalam, berhenti di Kota Tutong dan melanjutkan ke Sungai Liang Forestry Centre untuk mengunjungi Forestry Museum. Setelah selesai dilanjutkan menuju ke Seria Oilfield dan berhenti di Billionth Barrel Monument & Oil & Gas discovery Centre. Berhenti di kota Kuala Belait untuk makan siang lalu berhenti di kilang LNG Brunei di Lumut dan berkendara di sekitar Jerudong Pabe sebelum kembali ke ibukota. Makan malam di local restaurant dan kembali ke hotel.

Hari ke - 4

Sarapan pagi di hotel. Bersiap check out. Kemudian mengunjungi Open Market untuk berbelanja oleh- oleh. Menuju ke Bandara Brunei dan kembali ke Indonesia
Tour Brunei selesai.

4 Hari 3 Malam


Wayag adalah Destinasi terjauh di Raja Ampat, menghipnotis pengunjungnya dengan pemandangan laut biru jernih dan gugusan pulau-pulau karst yang menjulang di perairannya. Anda juga bisa menyempatkan diri untuk santap siang atau berenang bersama hiu. Pasalnya, di pos tersebut, banyak hiu jenis black tip yang berenang bebas.
Meski terdengar ekstrem, Anda tak perlu khawatir karena hiu ini masih kecil-kecil dan tak berbahaya selama tidak mencium bau darah atau diberi umpan dekat anggota tubuh manusia.

Desa Sawinggrai terletak di distrik Meos Mansar, Raja Ampat, Provinsi Papua Barat. Ini adalah salah satu desa yang paling diakui selain Desa Arborek di distrik yang sama. Desa ini memiliki 36 keluarga dan sangat menonjol akan Cenderawasih. Cendrawasih yang merupakan ikon Papua dibesarkan di desa ini. Cendrawasih merah adalah ikon khusus dari desa Sawinggrai.

Desa ini juga menyediakan fasilitas snorkeling di pantai nya yang sangat cantik.

Telaga Bintang sendiri biasa disebut Laguna Bintang oleh masyarakat setempat. Keindahan Telaga Bintang juga sudah terkenal hingga luar negri dan biasanya Telaga Bintang masuk kedalam destinasi wisata saat Eksplore Raja Ampat.
Pemandangan menakjubkan akan kita lihat begitu tiba dipuncaknya. Gugusan kepulauan disekitarnya membentuk sebuah Bintang yang terlihat begitu indah. Airnya yang bewarna hijau dipadukan dengan awan putih dan lautan lepas membuat siapapun yang berada di Telaga Bintang ini akan enggan berlalu.


Hari ke-1

Tiba di bandara sorong, menuju ke pelabuhan ferry untuk menyebrang ke Waisai Raja Ampat. Check in hotel. Makan siang di restaurant setelah itu mengelilingi daerah Waisai dan berbelanja souvenir khas. Makan malam di restaurant, kemudian kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Hari ke -2

Sarapan pagi di hotel, bersiap menuju daerah Wayag yang merupakan icon Raja ampat. Mengunjungi Kampung Serpelei. Kemudian menuju pos Wayag untuk snorkeling dan memberi makan Hiu. Makan siang di restaurant. Setelah itu melakukan soft tracking ke Puncak Wayag 1. Kembali ke hotel dan bersiap makan malam. Setelah makan malam, kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Hari ke - 3

Sarapan pagi di hotel, bersiap menuju Sawingrai untuk snorkeling. Setelah itu, menuju ke Telaga Bintang. Mengunjungi Arborek, makan siang akan disediakan disana. Kemudiam menuju Pasir Timbul. Kembali ke hotel, Makan malam di restaurant. Dan kembali ke hotel untuk beristirahat.

Hari ke -4

Sarapan pagi di hotel, bersiap check out dan menuju ke pelabuhan. Menyebrang ke kota Sorong. Mengunjungi Toko Souvenir khas Kota Sorong. Menuju Bandara Sorong. 
Tour Raja Ampat selesai.

2.All meals
3.Air Mineral selama tour
4.Pelampung & Peralatan snorkeling
5.Lokal Tour guide
6.All spot entrance fee
7.All land transport service
8.Tiket kapal cepat.
9.Dokumentasi Tour

1.Tiket pesawat
2. Tipping guide dan driver
3. Biaya pribadi

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Asal Muasal Fort Rotterdam

Indonesia sangat kaya akan kebudayaan dan juga sejarah yang sangat unik untuk diketahui. Begitu banyak kekayaan budaya dan sejarah yang tidak diketahui oleh masyarakat. 

Salah satu kekayaan sejarah yang terkenal di Sulawesi Selatan khususnya kota Makassar ialah Fort Rotterdam.

Fort rotterdam atau benteng Ujung Pandang ( Jum Pandang ) adalah sebuah benteng peninggalan kerajaan Gowa- Tallo. Letak benteng ini berada di pinggir pantai sebelah barat kota Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan.

Benteng ini dibangun pada tahun 1545 oleh raja Gowa ke-9 yang bernama I Manrigau Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung. Awalnya Benteng ini berbahan dasar tanah liat, namun pada masa pemerintahan raja Gowa ke-14 Sultan Alauddin konstruksi benteng ini diganti menjadi batu padas yang bersumber dari pegunungan karst yang ada di daerah Maros. Benteng Ujung ini berbentuk seperti seekor penyu yang hendak merangkak turun ke lautan. Dari segi bentuknya sangat jelas filosofi Kerajaan Gowa, bahwa penyu dapat hidup di darat maupun di laut. Begitu pun dengan kerajaan gowa yang berjaya di daratan maupun di lautan

Nama asli benteng ini adalah benteng Ujung Pandang, biasa juga orang Gowa-Makassar menyebut benteng ini dengan sebutan Benteng Panyyua yang merupakan markas pasukan katak kerajaan Gowa. kerajaan Gowa-Tallo akhirnya menandatangi  Bungayya yang salah satu pasalnya mewajibkan kerjaan Gowa untuk menyerahkan benteng ini kepada Belanda. Pada saat Belanda menempati benteng ini, nama benteng Ujung Pandang diubah menjadi Fort Rotterdam. Cornelis Speelman sengaja memilih nama Fort Rotterdam untuk mengenang daerah kelahirannya di Belanda. Benteng ini kemudian digunakan oleh Belanda. Benteng ini kemudian digunakan oleh Belanda sebagai pusat penampungan rempah-rempah di Indonesia bagian timur

Sekitar 200 tahun Belanda menggunakan benteng ini sebagai pusat pemerintahan, ekonomi dan berbagai macam aktivitas. Pada 1937 kepemilikan benteng Rotterdam oleh Dutch Indies Government diserahkan kepada Fort Rotterdam Foundation. Benteng ini terdaftar sebagai bangunan berserjarah pada 23 Mein 1940

Di kompleks benteng Ujung Pandang kini terdapat Museum La Galigo yang di dalamnya terdapat banyak referensi mengenai sejarah kebesaran Makassar ( Gowa-Tallo ) dan daerah-daerah lainnya yang ada di Sulawesi Selatan. Sebagian besar gedung benteng ini masih utuh dan menjadi salah satu objek wisata di Kota Makassar

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Report  Nature field Trip In Toraja Regency

Hi, I’m Aurel. I’m a student of Makassar tourism polytechnic in tour and travel bussines study programme. So, i would like to share my experience during my Nature field trip at 21th-23nd october, which is 3D2N (3 days 2 night)

so, basically a field trip in my study programme is a process to study in outside the class... in each semester we had 2 field trip.. and now i'm on my 3rd semester and my second trip in this semester...

The first day we all gathered at makassar tourism polytechnic at 7 am. and then the tour leader read the attendance, loar the baggage, lead to the bus and the bus started the tour to the kupa beach restaurant at barru regency.

 arrived at kupa beach restaurant, we had lunch there, we served a variety of foods, and the taste also delicious. finish with the lunch, we enjoyed the view and we took a picture together there.

next, we heading to bambapuang in enrekang regency..
there , the view was so amazing... the beautiful of mountain nona, made us wants to stay longer there...

we also served with a cup of tea and coffe and fried banana, so delicious..

we took a lot of picture there.... and i enjoyed the time as well...

spent an hour there, we driving to indra hotel which is in rantepao north toraja....

we checked in there, and prepare for dinner at ayam penyet ria,
we just walked by foot because the restaurant is near the hotel....

finish with dinner, we spent arround 30 minutes for evaluating and talked about the tour for tomorrow.

we back to the hotel and took a rest.....

the second day...

we had a breakfast at hotel.. and started the tour to timenbayo... we had a little soft tracking while going to mentiro tiku restaurant...

we passed a lot of traditional houses of toraja called tongkonan... we explore the natural beauty of toraja

we met a lot of local people there, they were so nice to us and welcomed us well.....

arrived at mentiro tiku, we had lunch there
we also tried the typical food of toraja, called 'papiong'

the restaurant served a lot of foods, i enjoyed it so much....
 the view also amazing and beautiful... we can see the view of toraja from there....

finish with taking a photos there, we continued the tracking from lempo to bori.
it was such a long way, but i enjoyed it so much....

then, we visited erong lombok parinding...
it was a grave in caves that has a beautiful structure

we spent arround 20 minutes and then we went to todi silk weaving.

there, we saw a proccess how to make a silk weaving, types of silk weaving.

in there, not only silk weaving, but todi is also a souvenir center.

in todi sells a lot of unique souvenirs, such as bracellet, t-shirt, bag, pouch.

next, we back to the hotel and prepare for dinner...

we had a dinner at aras restaurant, which is one of the best restaurant in toraja...

there, we had so much fun, we singing a song together and dancing together.... because it was our last night
in toraja. i will never forget that night...

the third day..

we had a breakfast at hotel and then loading the baggage to the bus...

finally we left the hotel and back to makassar...

before we back, we visited the KAA toraja coffe...
it is the center of toraja coffee, there are variety of toraja coffe that has a different taste....
such as robusta, arabica and so on...

we can also buy a toraja coffe for souvenir....

then, we driving to lakipadada statue.
it is the icon of toraja regency....

we spent arround 20 minutes there, taking a picture and we heading to bambapuang in enrekang regency......
same as the first day, we enjoyed the view with a cup of tea... and 2 minutes noodle

next, we went to teras empang restaurant for having lunch......
finish with lunch, we directly went to barru regency for visiting typical house of buginese people.

we spent arround 20 minutes and we heading to sukasuka restaurant in maros regency for dinner....

and then we back to makassar!!!!!!

the tour is done....

finally after 3 days had so much fun with my classmates.

and also big thanks to my gorgeous advisor...
pak mat, pak yahya and ibu milaa

and my amazing tour leader
kak mifta dan kak yusuf..

u guys are amazing!!

well, see u on my next blog!!

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Report Marine Field Trip In Dutungan Island And Paputo Beach

Hi, I’m Aurel. I’m a student of Makassar tourism polytechnic in tour and travel bussines study programme. So, i would like to share my experience during my Marine field trip at 5th-6th october, which is 2D1N (2 Days 1 Night)

so, basically a field trip in my study programme is a process to study in outside the class... in each semester we had 2 field trip.. and now i'm on my 3rd semester and my first trip in this semester...

The first day we gathering at makassar tourism polytechnic at 6 am. and then the tour leader read the attendance, lead to the bus and the bus started the tour to the tanjung indah dock, barru regency.
arrived at the dock, we leaded to the small boat (20 person maximum capacities) to dutungan island by acrossing the sea. the distance from the dock until dutungan island approximately about 1 km and it taken about 10 minutes only.

dutungan island is an island located in Barru Regency, and actually Dutungan Island is included on the border between Barru Regency and Pare-Pare Regency.  Dutungan Island is a small island with beautiful white sand. many facilities provided there, such as restaurant, gazebo, rest room, diving and snorkeling stuff and so on.....

at dutungan island we changed the clothes due to the dresscode ( it was gray for the top and bottom it was dark colour)
before we diving in to the sea, we were explained by the profesional diving instructor.

when we were ready. we stood in a line and each of person wore a life jacket. i got the 3rd position...
and i dive with a professional instructor.

at first i thought i couldn’t manage my breathe, suddenly i got panic and almost gave up. but then the instructor made me feel calm and he told me to controlled my breathe, and slowly we arrived at the bottom.
at the bottom i already handle my breathe well. and enjoyed the view.
at the bottom i saw the coral reefs and also the small fishes. the instructor also took a picture of me..

arround 10 minutes we went up to the surface of the sea....  it was my first time diving and i felt so good and nervous at the same time..
one by one we got the chance to dive with the professional instructor.. some of them try snorkeling in the right side.
i tried snorkeling also... it's kinda different with diving because it was only at the surface so it was fun...
the view also the same...

i spent my time and having fun at the sea almost 2 hours...  and at 3 pm we went up and cleaned our selves and changing our clothes and prepare to went back to parepare for staying there...

before we back, we spent our time for playing a games. and we splited in to two groups.. and having fun together.... about 30 minutes done with a games.. we went to the coast of the sea and waiting for the boat to picked us up to the tanjung indah dock... 

arrived at tanjung indah dock we got in to the bus and started the journey to the delima sari hotel in parepare which was our hotel to staying in that night...
at 7 pm we gathered at the lobby of the hotel and we went to the restaurant for dinner.. the restaurant near the hotel so we just walked by our selves...
at ayam penyet ria we had a dinner together...and took a photo....

done with the dinner we went back to the hotel and started the presentation time..
we splited in to six groups.. each of the group present how to handle a marine tour and how to simulate 'k3' ( kesehatan & keselamatan kerja)
about an hour and a half we discuss each other about the topic. of course we watched by our lovely advisor Mam Etha and Mam Atri...

at 10pm the presentation done.. we went back to our room and took a rest....

The second day

at 4am we were waking up by the person who incharged... and prepare for morning exercise...

at 6 am all participants gathered in front of the hotel and did the morning exercise... we also went arround near the hotel until the monument of love bj habibie and ainun. it is the icon of parepare city. which our third president of indonesia...
we spent 15-20 minutes at the monument and took a picture

next, we went back to the hotel and had a breakfast.....
the breakfast at the hotel was delicious... we served by a variety of foods and drinks... there were fried rice, chicken porridge, tofu and fried noodles, 
for the drinks there were tea, coffe, milk and there were also a bread and a jam...
finish with breakfast we went back to our room and prepare our selves for back to makassar and starting  pack our baggage.
at 8.30 we gathered in front of the hotel and load our baggage to the bus. before we went back, we took a picture with our lovely advisor...after that we got in to the bus and went to paputo beach in pare-pare...

at paputo beach, we welcomed by the local people and we starting to observed the beach, we walking arround the beach... and enjoyed the view....
paputo beach is a beach located in parepare city. paputo stands for pasir putih tonrangeng. this beach has a beautiful sand white and also the fresh air that makes the tourist feels more excited here...
many facilities provided in paputo beach, such as gazebo, jelly bean seat, restaurant, rest room/changing room

we also had a snack time in the jelly bean seat.....
singing and dancing together....
it was so fun.....

satisfied with the paputo beach we heading to teras empang for lunch....
from paputo beach to teras empang is pretty close... it only takes 5 minutes.
done with lunch, as always we took a picture together before we got in to the bus...
next, we went back to makassar tourism polytecnic...

and our tour is donee......

See you on my next field trip and blog!!!

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